Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...

This sounds a bit like Christmas I know. It is one of my "favorite" Christmas songs, but I often find myself thinking of the words and singing them as I go over my day. At days end I am usually tired, the kind of tired that I hadn't felt prior to being a mother, and one that stays at home during the day. I get more irritable around dinner time. I start being a bit more short with the kids, my fuse is short, as I hurry around the kitchen getting dinner going for a hungry family. This is usually when Wyatt is at his fussiest, Taylor gets particularly demanding, and I am attempting to put something edible on the table in record time (also include a load of laundry, some minor cleaning, feed the dog, and any other chores I have neglected over the course of the day). So at this point in my day, I am not the beaming mother of calm, more like Mommy Dearest. However, by the time we sit down for dinner and begin the banter with Taylor and are watching Wyatt devour and use his food as hair styling design-I usually am thanking my lucky stars again. This song pops into my head usually after bath/shower time. Like tonight. The kids were bathed, smelling clean and delicious, Tea Tree & Lavender is an amazing scent for babies! They were rosy cheeked, and bright eyed, and giggling as they bounced on Mom and Dad's bed. Wyatt was rolling around, laughing like a squeaky toy (if you haven't had the distinct pleasure of this heavenly sound, it really sounds like a squeaky toy), and Taylor was giggling as she bounced him all over. He eventually rolled off the bed on the floor, depite Dad trying to grab him by the foot. Not a cry was to be heard (probably because I wasn't around to gasp). As I gave them each their little "massages" with lotion, and listened to their sighs of relaxation, I thought "this is one of those favorite things". I count my blessings throughout each day, sometimes I can't believe I get to do the things I do. While the days can be long and sometimes emotionally and physically exhausting, they are rewarding and so special. I get to spend each and every day with two of the most spectacular people on the planet! The little stories I hear throughout the day that are uttered through the lips of my daughter could fill a book. Today it was the following:
"so Taylor, what story did you learn in school today?"
"the cross story"
"and what is that story? who was on the cross"
"Jesus was on the cross, he died for our sins...(now with a big sigh) the mean people put him up on a cross and they put a crown with stickeries that poked his head and made him bleed. He died"
"oh that is sad. But what is the most amazing part of the story?"

Right on cue, my daughter says...
"he came back!"
WOW! She and I are in step with each other most of the time, and I love the way our conversations flow. Real conversations! Little dialogue like this make me add this to my favorite list. Here are a few more of my favorite "Taylor" things.
* the way her faces flushes when she is warm, and how dark and soft her eyes are
* the way she fits herself against me when we cuddle, or if she sits in my lap
* her squeals when Daddy gets home from work
* the constant inquiries, and her insight into the world
* how she loves lip gloss, like me!
* how she says "remember", she says it "be-member"
* that she calls herself a "pine cone hunter, and a tree hunter"
* the world is her stage, she sings all day, rhyming and making up songs and dances
* her love for her grandparents and other family members, little things she to my mom on a walk "I am so glad I get to see you Uma"
* the way she smells, I still pick up her bear and smell it or bury my face in her hair when she lays down
* how she relishes in my back rubs, and asks me to lightly rub her arms
* the sweet prayers she utters, and how she sees God, or how I see God in her every day

Of course Wyatt also gives me lots of favorite things material!
* squeaky toy laughs and giggles
* his cuddles and open mouthed, gooey kisses
* his yummy cheeks and belly, the best for kisses and raspberries from Mom
* the way he kicks at me when I change his diaper. While frustrating, he laughs at me as I struggle and I know this child is going to be a challenge for the rest of my life.
* the light in his eyes when he is about to do something very naughty
*his chubby, sausage like fingers as they stuff whatever food I have given to him into his sweet mouth
* how no one on the planet can make him laugh like his sister, big belly laughs
* that the word "dat" and "u-ble" substitute for everything
* that he cries when I am upset, or when Taylor is hurt, so sensitive
* his excitment when his Dad walks in the room
* when he hold out his arms for me, and that no matter what, I am the one who makes everything better for him whether it be a broken heart or an ouchie
* same as Taylor, his smell. He smells like Wyatt, like his own person. I can pick up his bear as well, and smell him, just breathe him in. When we cuddle in bed, and I can put my nose in his hair and smell him.
* when he gets so tired, but happy tired, and deliriously climbs all over the house and giggles, flopping all over the place. Rough-housing with his Dad and sister, rolling on the floor.
* that no matter what, I am his mother forever.

These are a few, but I was kind of bubbling over tonight after a great day with the two of them. Though tired, I sit here, listening to their quiet sighs as they sleep (via these very cool night vision monitors) and I fight the urge to gather them up in my arms, carry them into my bed so I can be near them more! What a contradiction! During the day I pray for a few precious moments to myself, and yet, when those moments present themselves, I yearn for those two babes more than anything....


Schultz Style said...

Test Test, comments working!

Tasha said...

It worked! Now I can comment. I am loving your blog and keeping up with your little family.

Evans Family said...

I am so glad the comment button works! I miss you but love reading your blog - great job! Can't wait for the next entry....