Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ready or not.....

Wyatt loves to play hide and seek, so much so, that he goes and hides without us knowing that we are playing!  He is not afraid of the dark and will hide in a closet with the door shut for quite awhile waiting for someone to find him.  We generally know he is hiding because it is the only time he is quiet when he isn't sleeping, so we know to go "find" him.  This evening he was hiding, and was more than delighted when we found him.  He is such a cute little man, and he recently has started saying "Uma"!  We love to hear him babble and he gets so excited when he can communicate.  His attention span is finally getting long enough that he can sit through some books, and he especially loves a few in particular.  Wyatt has found belly buttons to be fascinating.  He pulls up EVERYONE'S shirts in order to give them a poke, and really loves Papa's.  He is a busy boy who is most happy torturing his big sister, and getting into everything he is not supposed to.


Rebecca Rain said...

Your children are so beautiful! I can't believe how big he is!

Em said...

He is so delicious! I love the joy on his face in these pictures!